False Friendship 1: A Selfish Person
We may wonder what behaviors are meant when one is selfish.
Associating with Bad Friends
Bad friends lead us to bad lives. And many bad lives lead to irresponsible behavior, and irresponsibility often ruins the ethical economy in our society.
Conclusion: The Characteristics of a Virtuous One
It was due to the great compassion of the Lord Buddha that he deigned to teach Noble Discipline, not only for monks, but for householders too, in the form of Noble Self-Discipline for Householders [gihivinaya], as a guideline for achieving happiness in life and developing society.
Core Value # 3: Virtue should be honoured
This sort of view advocates any form of practice which praises pr honours the virtues of others. To give some examples:
Have Good Jobs and Keep Doing Good Work
We have to work for our living. Those who have good jobs and keep doing good work need to work hard. In order to keep working hard, we have to be patient.
Filtering Out False Friends
The majority of people around the world from the Lord Buddha’s time until now have been under the misconception that success and failure in life depend mainly on the environment around them.
Overview : 1. The Path of Sensual Indulgence
The path of sensual pleasure [kamasukhallikanuyogal, is to seek for pleasures through the channels of the five outer senses: eyes, ears, nose, mouth and physical contact
Looking After Our Extended Family.
All trees living together in the woods can live for a long time because each of them helps bump against a storm together.
The Avoidance of Drinking Alcohol.
A human’s mind is something subtle, hardly to be seen and always immersed in cravings as follows:
Why we have to study the Blessings?
There is one interesting point of life. Only studying a lot to achieve great intelligence in order to have a good job and to earn a lot o9f money is not enough to be born as a human being